Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekly Menu, Minus a Thumb

I could not WAIT to share a recipe (had I liked it) for sweet potato chips. Except when I tried to make it this past week, I had a tussle with the mandolin while making the chips, and I lost. Really. I have a nicely bandaged thumb. I have done little cooking since (more due to our schedule than anything). I had one night of self-pity (mainly due to the throbbing pain), but now I am adjusting. Like using my left thumb to type on the space bar...

Anyway, I am thinking ahead. Here is my menu (proposed) for the week:

Saturday- Panko Encrusted Swai, wild rice, carrots and Ranch, and Rosemary rolls
Sunday- Baked Potato Soup, French bread
Monday- On Your Own night (school performance)
Tuesday- Lasagna Roll Ups (new recipe I keep trying to make and get interrupted), garlic bread, possibly a salad
Wednesday- On Your Own night
Thursday-Chuck Roast BarBQ sandwiches, sweet potato fries or chips...if I attempt them again :)
Friday-Bubble Up Enchiladas
Saturday-Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken, Fried Rice

We are also having a dessert, courtesy of Child 1. Not sure what yet...

What are you having this week?

And my new motto for the kitchen: Be safe in there. (Protect your hands...)



  1. Just venturing a guess that our menu will be alternating days of stir fries and salads, with perhaps a pizza midweek. It's the last week before Spring Break, which is Christian Service Week for us. Be visible, be the Light (and stay safe in the kitchen). Have a great week!

  2. Monday - pepperoni pasta
    Tuesday - Swiss steak, cheesy mashed potato bake (recipe from a good friend!), sweet peas, lemon cake
    Wednesday - eat at church
    Thursday - baked salmon, couscous, veggies
    Friday - fajitas


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