I think I had these the first time at school. One of the teachers brought them for a potluck. Except theirs were much prettier than mine. And I was in love.
Unfortunately I found out how very easy they were to make, so for a while, I made them. Often. I think my oldest had them at his birthday celebration even.
But then I hadn't made them for a couple of years. Probably in the best interest of my hips and waist.
Then last week, a parent made some for our parent/teacher conference night (food in the lounge). I ate part of one (after looking up the calories) and loved every little morsel.
Then this past week, it was Child 3's turn to cook with me in the kitchen. She got out her cookbook and told me she wanted to make Yum Balls. I glanced at the picture and the recipe and realized it was just another word for Oreo Balls or Oreo Truffles.
At some point (as I watch my calories), I want to yell, "Get thee behind me, Satan!"
Not at Child 3. Just the constant food temptation.
But since Child 3 was so very excited, I decided we would do it. We would make those Yum Balls/Oreo Truffles.
And we did.
And I calculated the calories.
Worse than I thought.
I have eaten one tiny one.
But the rest of the family has enjoyed them.
So just in case you have missed the recipe (and somehow made it through my long monologue), here is the recipe.
1 block (8 oz) cream cheese...I used light. Softened. Don't forget that part. Trust me.
1 package Oreos (or other chocolate sandwich cookies, but we are partial to Oreos. And no, I am getting NO kickbacks for that, though that would be nice)
1 package Almond Bark
Crush ALL the Oreos in a food processor or in a ziplock bag (with a lot of pounding). I would have been tempted to throw them in the blender. However, this was a "kid" project, so I gave her a mallett and the plastic bag of Oreos to crush away.
Add cream cheese to mixture and mix. You could use a food processor to do that or just stir by hand with a sturdy spoon. We did the spoon method.
Take a small amount of the mixture and roll into a ball. We used a cookie scoop to get the right amount of mixture. Then we rolled away. We then put the balls on a piece of parchment paper on a large cookie sheet. We rolled about 30 balls in all.
Put in the fridge for about an hour to chill.
Melt almond bark on stove or microwave (though I think it hardens/thickens too quickly that way). I melted mine in a double boiler.
Dip balls into the chocolate, coating all over.
Let the balls cool on the parchment paper.
(We did refrigerate the leftovers.)
More soon,
Such willpower! When I make oreo balls I can't stay away from them! I guess that's why I don't make them very often!