Here is the recipe for the basic white sauce; this recipe came from my mom. It is easy and quick...
Basic White Sauce
3 tbsp margarine, melted
3 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp salt
dash of pepper
1 1/2 cups milk
Stir ingredients together. I just stir them in a large glass measuring cup.
Microwave in 1 minute intervals. After a minute, whisk, then return to microwave. Continue until sauce has thickened.
The first three or four minutes it will still be very runny. You will think it will never thicken. It does. I promise. And it really doesn't take that long.
I cheat on the potatoes. I use canned new potatoes...the sliced are the best. (In the picture, I used whole that I cut apart) I microwave them for a few minutes then pour the sauce over them.
This sauce can be used with other vegetables too.
Very easy. Very quick. And yummy. My favorite combination!
Happy cooking!
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